
Don't Let Dieting Impact Your Oral Health

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Don't Let Dieting Impact Your Oral Health

Like many people who need to lose a few pounds, I try diet after diet in an attempt to find one that finally works for me. I learned the hard way that I need to make sure any diet will not harm my teeth, even if it does help me lose a few pounds. I learned this lesson when following a grapefruit diet. There are many versions of this, but the version I tried had me eat a grapefruit alone several times each day. It was supposed to suppress my appetite. I helped keep me from munching on unhealthy snacks, but the acid in the fruit took a toll on my tooth enamel and I quickly started getting lots of cavities. I created this blog to remind people that change up their diets often to make sure the foods they are eating are not harming their teeth.

How To Choose Between A Dental Implant And A Bridge

Two of the most common tooth replacement options are dental implants and dental bridges. A dental bridge uses a false tooth to replace a missing tooth, and it usually relies on adjacent teeth for support. A dental implant uses a titanium screw, which acts as the root, and a crown, usually made of porcelain. If you are missing a tooth, you may wonder which of these two treatments is the choice for you.

Since dental implants and dental bridges have some notable differences, you should compare the two and work out which tooth replacement option is the one for you.

Evaluate the cost

How much money do you have to spend on your tooth replacement treatment? Dental implants tend to be more expensive than dental bridges. For instance, dental implants can cost up to $4,500 per implant, whereas dental bridges range from $500 to $1,200, plus at least $500 per supporting dental crown.

If you need to replace several teeth on a budget, a dental bridge with several false teeth may be the right option for you.

Compare the longevity of each option

Dental implants can last up to 25 years or longer whereas dental bridges can last up to 15 years. However, your level of oral hygiene will have an effect on the longevity of either tooth replacement option. If you practice poor oral hygiene, the longevity of both dental implants and dental bridges will likely be lower.

Consider the effect on your other teeth

Dental implants generally don't affect your surrounding natural teeth. However, traditional dental bridges require that at least one of the teeth adjacent to your missing tooth be reduced in size to support a dental crown. The dental crown serves as a supporting abutment for the false tooth. If you don't want to involve your remaining natural teeth in the replacement process, choose an implant.

Consider your state of health

In regards to dental implants, you need to be sure that you don't have any health conditions that might rule out dental implants. For instance, if you have gum disease, diabetes, or a weak immune system, this might rule out dental implants.

Compare the treatment time of both options

The overall treatment time for dental implants is much longer than the treatment time for dental bridges. This is because dental implants take several months to heal. But you can have a dental bridge placed in two to three appointments.

Studying the points on this list should help you to decide whether dental implants or dental bridges are most suitable for you. If you need more information on implants or bridges, get in touch with your dentist.