
Don't Let Dieting Impact Your Oral Health

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Don't Let Dieting Impact Your Oral Health

Like many people who need to lose a few pounds, I try diet after diet in an attempt to find one that finally works for me. I learned the hard way that I need to make sure any diet will not harm my teeth, even if it does help me lose a few pounds. I learned this lesson when following a grapefruit diet. There are many versions of this, but the version I tried had me eat a grapefruit alone several times each day. It was supposed to suppress my appetite. I helped keep me from munching on unhealthy snacks, but the acid in the fruit took a toll on my tooth enamel and I quickly started getting lots of cavities. I created this blog to remind people that change up their diets often to make sure the foods they are eating are not harming their teeth.

Need To Replace Most Of Your Teeth? Consider All-On-4 Implants

If you are missing most or all your teeth, the good news is that there are numerous restoration options available. One option that you may want to consider is the all-on-4 implant. Read on to learn how all-on-4 implants differ from other options and how they can benefit you.

What are your options—and how do all-on-4 implants compare?

If you have only one or two teeth that need replacing, you can get away with a traditional dental implant. Dental posts are inserted into the jawbone, and then crowns are screwed into the post abutment. But if most of your teeth are missing, it's not realistic, or cost-efficient, to get dental implants for every missing tooth. A more reasonable option would be to invest in some dentures.

However, many people find dentures uncomfortable and do not like that they have to reapply adhesive to keep them from shifting. And even if you get implant-supported dentures—a semi-permanent option—you will likely need at least five to ten implants to keep them in place.

The best option at your disposal is all-on-4 implants. Instead of requiring numerous implants, these restorations can attach all your false teeth to just four dental implants—hence the name "all on 4."

Besides fewer implants, what are some other benefits of all-on-4 restorations?

Other implants may require bone grafting or sinus augmentation, but, this usually isn't the case with all-on-4 restorations. Without these extra procedures, you'll be able to get your restorations sooner and avoid invasive surgeries. Plus, there is some risk with sinus augmentation (e.g. tearing the sinus membrane) which you can avoid altogether with all-on-4 restorations.

All-on-4 implants look more natural than dentures, thus improving smile's aesthetics. All-on-4 implants restore functions, like talking and eating, permanently unlike partial or removable dentures. Permanent implants have the benefit of helping your jaw retain its bone density, thus helping you maintain a youthful appearance rather than having sunken cheeks.

Because you will won't need grafts for all-on-4 treatments, and because you only need one surgery for the dentist to load all the implants, you can save a lot more money compared to other restorative options.

Who's a Good Candidate for all-on-4 restorations?

Again, these restorations are great for people who have lost most or all their adult teeth. However, you have to have the good oral health to qualify for these restorations. If you smoke or have a disease that has damaged your jaw bone, it's better to choose a restoration route that requires grafting.

Contact a dentist in your area for more information about all on 4 implant rehabilitation options.