
Don't Let Dieting Impact Your Oral Health

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Don't Let Dieting Impact Your Oral Health

Like many people who need to lose a few pounds, I try diet after diet in an attempt to find one that finally works for me. I learned the hard way that I need to make sure any diet will not harm my teeth, even if it does help me lose a few pounds. I learned this lesson when following a grapefruit diet. There are many versions of this, but the version I tried had me eat a grapefruit alone several times each day. It was supposed to suppress my appetite. I helped keep me from munching on unhealthy snacks, but the acid in the fruit took a toll on my tooth enamel and I quickly started getting lots of cavities. I created this blog to remind people that change up their diets often to make sure the foods they are eating are not harming their teeth.

You Lost A Tooth: Now What?

Permanent teeth have their namesake for a reason; they're meant to more-or-less last your entire adult life. Unfortunately, accidents happen and sudden injuries or trauma can result in the loss of one or more adult teeth. This can be a scary experience for anybody, and the sudden loss of a permanent tooth should always be considered a dental emergency. Still, by acting quickly, you can protect your mouth from further complications and potentially even save your tooth.

Stop The Bleeding, If Necessary

The first thing you should do upon realizing you've lost a tooth is to remain calm. Be especially careful not to accidentally swallow the tooth if it is still in your mouth.

If your mouth is bleeding at the site where the tooth was dislodged, fold up some medical gauze and bite down on it. This will help to slow down the bleeding until a clot forms and stops it entirely. Don't be too surprised if there is no blood, especially if blunt trauma knocked the tooth out. This is not uncommon, but it doesn't change the fact that this is a dental emergency.

Try to Locate the Tooth

The next thing you should do is attempt to locate the lost tooth, if possible. If you are able to locate the tooth, take a moment to rinse it off carefully in lukewarm water, being careful not to scrub at the tooth. You'll want to leave the tissue and any nerves attached to the tooth root as intact as possible, as these can sometimes be used to save the tooth. If possible, gently insert the tooth back into the socket (but do not attempt this if there is a great deal of blood). If you are able to replace the tooth into the socket, this will increase the chances of your dentist saving the tooth.

If you cannot place the tooth back into the socket, place it in a plastic bag or another container to bring to your dentist.

See an Emergency Dentist ASAP

Do not put off seeing a dentist. Even if your regular dentist can see you first thing in the morning, your best bet is to go to an emergency dentist's office that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for immediate care. Seeking immediate care will increase your chances of having your tooth saved and not needing to get a dental bridge or dental implant.

For more information on dentists in your area, check out Family First Dentistry LLC today!